Open April 30th 2024 through May 31st , 2024, at 5 p.m. ET (2 p.m. PT)
PJCCF Review of LOIs:
May 31st , 2024, through June 15th, 2024
Notification for Full Application: June 16th, 2024


(For those invited to apply based on the Letter of Intent)

Open June 16th, 2024, through July 30th, 2024
Final Application Due: July 30th, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. ET (2:00 p.m. PT)
PJCCF Review of Applications: July 31st, 2024 through August 31st, 2024
Selection of Recipient and Notification after September 3 rd, 2024


November 1st, 2024

GRANT AWARD: Up to $50,000



Deadline: May 31th, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. ET (2:00 p.m. PT)


Do not exceed 1 page.

Indirect Costs are not covered.


Consultant Costs



Other Expenses

Biographical Sketch

  1. Principal Investigator/Mentor (Supervisor of Fellow) and Fellowship Candidate (not to exceed 2 pages for each person). Please include a biographical sketch, in a standard NIH-style format for the candidate. Additionally, please be sure to provide the following information for the Principal Investigator.
    • Current research support, including: amount and source of funds, title of research, period of time covered, specific aims and role for all related projects currently funded and those pending future funding.
    • Please state any areas of potential overlap your proposed project may have with pending applications.
    • Applicant’s major research areas and expertise.
    • Please also state if the Principal Investigator is being considered for NIH funding or if they have received NIH funding in the past.
  2. Other Biographical Sketches
    • A biographical sketch must be included for the Principal Investigator’s mentor when applicable. All fellowship applicants must include a biographical sketch of their mentor.
    • All co-investigators on the proposed project must have a biographical sketch included as well.

Research Plan

Please keep in mind these questions as you organize items a – d:

1. What do you intend to do?

2. Why is the work important?

3. What has already been done?

4. How are you going to do the work?

Item A: Specific Aims (1/2 page).

List the goals, long-term objectives and what the specific research proposed in this application is intended to accomplish. State the hypotheses to be tested and their relevance to the funding priorities of the collaborative organizations.

Item B: Background and Significance (not to exceed 2 pages).

Background – Briefly describe the background/research to date which has led to the present application, critically evaluate existing knowledge, and specifically identify the need that the project is to fill. Please state the significance and importance of your proposed project with respect to the pediatric cancer research by relating the specific aims to the goals and long-term objectives. Also include information as to the potential for the proposed project to lead to translational research if applicable.

Item C: Preliminary Studies (2 pages)

Provide an account of the principal investigator/program director’s preliminary studies pertinent to the application – information that will help to establish the experience and competence of the investigator to pursue the proposed project. The complete references to appropriate publications and manuscripts submitted or accepted for publication may be listed as well in addition to the two pages allotted.

Item D: Experimental Approach and Research Design (2 pages)

Describe the experimental approach to the research question and state the procedures and methods to be used in achieving the specific aims. Include how the data will be collected, analyzed, and interpreted. Provide a tentative sequence or timetable for the project. Point out any procedures, situations, or materials that may be hazardous to personnel and the precautions to be exercised. Reviewers will weigh heavily the feasibility of carrying out the project in the projected time span, analyzing any potential difficulties and limitations of the proposed procedures and specific aims.

Item E: Evaluation (up to 1/2 page)

Provide a statement describing the criteria by which the project will be evaluated. Examples of the types of evaluations expected may include: new techniques developed or used; other reports or papers resulting from this research; and the extent to which the research project was conducted successfully and completed.

Item F: Literature Cited (1 page)

Each reference must include the title, names of all authors, book or journal, volume number, page numbers, and year of publication. Limit the references to relevant and current literature. It is important to be concise and to select only those literature references pertinent to the proposed research.

Additional Information

Use this space for additional information that is pertinent to this application that has not been included in any other areas of the proposal that you would like for the reviewers to consider. Please include any appropriate letters here from all individuals confirming their roles in the project. There is no page limit to this section.